Per cent for art commission | Gaelscoil Chnoc Liamhna, Knocklyon, Dublin

Gaelscoil Chnoc Liamhna in Knocklyon, Dublin, under the Per Cent for Art Scheme, invites expressions of interest from artists for the creation of a new artwork/ artworks that are permanent and created with involvement and engagement of all 216 students and colleagues. It is open to all interested professional artists at any stage of their career or experience who are interested in working on a commission that requests interior and possibly exterior permanent elements and that will allow meaningful participation with their students.

Please read the brief for further details about the commission and school.


The total budget for the artwork is up to €42,000 inclusive of artist fee, VAT, labour, and materials.

Deadline (Stage one)

12 noon, Friday 22 September 2023.


This is a two-stage open competition. A proposal development fee of €350 will be paid to shortlisted artists. For further information regarding the commission, and to download a copy of the brief and application form click on the following link: Artist Brief (0.34 MB, PDF) 


Applicants can make enquiries regarding the commission to Rina Whyte, email or by telephone + 353 87 238 9591.





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