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Fill  - Image
Catherine Delaney

Imbued with a haunting sense of melancholy and loss, Fill traces the presence of a profound absence, preserving the memory of time and life passed by. A ghostly silver landscape forms from the hollow negative potholes, cracks, fissures, splits and tears of the previous street fro...

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Efflorescence - Image
Martina Coyle

A site specific bridge was constructed in steel and silk, representative in design and an accurate scale of a bridge which was there until 1996. The silk was hand sewn in collaboration with Frances Hammond and Rishie Peroo, who both currently work in a small sewing factory which is also in one of...

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Zip  - Image
Corban Walker

A sculptural light installation in blue and green LED lights, in the Civic Centre Ballymun, creating the illusion of bringing two corners of the atrium together.

Commissioned by Breaking Ground, the Ballymun Regeneration Per Cent for Art programme, Corban Walker was asked to address the va...

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Oatfield: Temperance

Oatfield: Temperance - Image
Abigail O'Brien

Abigail O'Brien's residency ran in the Oatfield Sweet Factory from October to December 2007. The remarkable resulting photographs are a unique and striking ‘behind the scenes’ insight into the work that goes on inside Oatfield Sweet Factory. This project resulted in an incredible amount of ex...

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The STEPS  - Image
Sean Taylor

A sound/movement-based artwork with an aerobics class in the University of Limerick Sports Arena.

The STEPS evolved from a desire to interact with the 6pm-7pm aerobics class at the University of Limerick Sports Arena, which is a group that I have been observing for some time. Every p...

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Fionn Mac Cumhaill and his hounds

Fionn Mac Cumhaill and his hounds - Image
Lynn Kirkham - Greenmantle

This public artwork was commissioned by Kildare County Council for a number of reasons, it was to mark the contribution of the work of the army at the Curragh Camp, to mark the significance of Fionn and na Fianna in Kildare and to initiate a key piece to be included in the Public Art and Heritage...

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Paperworks - Image
Lucy Hill

The concept for this artwork is in essence the glorification of the material of paper. Its endurance and adaptability right into the twenty-first century is remarkable. Part of its beauty lies in the fact that it is transformed by human contact. It absorbs and records moments in time and marks hu...

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The Table

The Table  - Image
Ned Jackson Smyth

A highly polished stone slab sits upon a grassed mound of earth with thirteen unpolished curved forms carved into it. The central dish has a bronze dish inserted into it. This work invites many different levels of engagement, a direct reference to the Christian nature of the site and also referen...

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Colour Vortex

Colour Vortex - Image
Allie Kay

The artwork consists of a large hand-dyed and printed silk installation, pieced and embellished with stitch, which is hung in the entrance area of the new school building for permanent display. Allie worked closely with the pupils at the school, creating textile artworks for them to keep and also...

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Sending Letters to the Sea

Sending Letters to the Sea - Image
Mark Garry

A collaborative music project informed by the historical connections between music and faith.

In 2007 a number of artists were selected to be part of Fingal County Council's Public Art Panel. The selected artists were invited to respond to a brief which reflected, either physically or theoretica...

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Nazareth Housing Association provides independent living houses for individuals and couples who are 65 and over and on the Sligo County Council housing list.  Nazareth Village is comprised of 48 houses in a garden setting.  The Village was financed as a public-private partnership between Nazareth Housing Association and Sligo County Council with funding from the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government.  

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