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Unfurl - Image
Alex Pentek

Based on an origami-fold pattern, Unfurl (2014) was fabricated using a series of perforated 3mm bronze sheets, which were cut and folded into a parabolic curved surface following the plan of a Fibonacci spiral. The folded surface has 80,000 perforations and is reinforced at the edges with 70mm ph...

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I love Letterkenny, Letterkenny loves me

I love Letterkenny, Letterkenny loves me - Image
Tina O'Connell

‘I love Letterkenny, Letterkenny loves me’ (2009) is a two-foot-high neon sign which is installed across the western façade of the Multi Purpose Centre building, at Letterkenny Institute of Technology.

The artwork flicks between the statements ‘I love Letterkenny’, and ‘Let...

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Jeffry's House

Jeffry's House - Image
Thomas O'Brien and Emily Mannion

Jeffry’s House (2014) is a folly-style structure which was created by architect Thomas O Brien and artist Emily Mannion. The piece is named after Jeffry’s Lough - a nearby lake which appears on older maps but has now disappeared. Standing at the edge of the forest, Jeffry’s House offer...

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For Dublin

For Dublin - Image
Frances Hegarty and Andrew Stones

For Dublin (1997) was a site-specific, temporary neon public artwork which presented a series of pink fluorescent quotations, extracted from Molly Bloom’s monologues in the last chapter of James Joyce’s Ulysses. The neon works were installed on buildings in nine prominent sites throughout Dub...

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Bamboo Scaffolding

Bamboo Scaffolding - Image
Dan Shipsides

Bamboo Scaffolding (2000) involved the erection of a bamboo structure on the facade of the disused Carlton Cinema building on O’Connell Street in Dublin’s city centre. The Carlton Cinema building was, at the time, being renovated under a major redevelopment scheme for the whole of O’Connell...

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FIND Art Project

FIND Art Project - Image
Nuala Clarke, Crystal Gandrud, Alice Dixon, Anthony Champa, Joanna Hopkins, Chris Leach, Amanda Rice & Ian Wieczorek.

FIND was a public art initiative comprising a series of temporary artworks, installations, and events around the town of Castlebar, Co Mayo.  This project was the first collaboration of the Linenhall Arts Centre and the Mayo County Council Public Art Programme, curated by Gaynor Seville.&nbs...

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In-Visible - Image
Tina O'Connell

‘In-Visible’ (2001) is a contemporary sculpture incorporating a water feature. Inspired by the connection between Waterford City and the world famous Waterford Glass industry, O'Connell's work consists of a very large transparent acrylic sphere (2 metres in diameter), over whic...

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Me Jewel and Darlin’

Me Jewel and Darlin’ - Image
Sean Lynch

The title for the project, Me Jewel & Darlin’, was borrowed from Eamonn McThomais’ book of the same name. The public artwork was located on O’Connell Street from January 2011 until April 2012, near The Spire, on the central axis of the city’s main thoroughfare. It consisted of a displ...

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Amaptocare - Image
Jochen Gerz

The idea for Amaptocare (a map to care) was to invert the routine of social housing and institutional urbanism by inviting the residents in Ballymun to make a public, fiscal donation to their own area, and by so doing asserting their agency with regard to their immediate environment.

Gerz i...

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Together and Apart

Together and Apart - Image
Antony Gormley

Together and Apart (2001) is a cast-iron sculpture of a lone figure, with head slightly bowed and arms pressed close to the body. It is one of a series of five figures, created in a similar style to Gormley's famous anthropomorphic body cast series of the 1980s.

It was not originally commission...

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Nazareth Housing Association provides independent living houses for individuals and couples who are 65 and over and on the Sligo County Council housing list.  Nazareth Village is comprised of 48 houses in a garden setting.  The Village was financed as a public-private partnership between Nazareth Housing Association and Sligo County Council with funding from the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government.  

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