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Crann an Óir

Crann an Óir - Image
Éamonn O'Doherty

Crann an Óir (Tree of Gold) was commissioned by the Central Bank of Ireland to mark Dublin's year as European City of Culture in 1991. The work is comprised of a formalised tree in gilded bronze surrounded by a sectioned building in Wicklow granite.  The tree symbolises growth under careful...

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The Spire of Dublin

The Spire of Dublin - Image
Ian Ritchie Architects

120 metres high and 3 metres in diameter at the base, the stainless steel monument was designed by Ian Ritchie Architects (London) and rises above O’Connell Street. Ritchie has explained that he polished pattern at its base "can be read as mirrored seas or lakes or, conversely, a...

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The Children of Lir

The Children of Lir - Image
Oisín Kelly

Kelly’s work is made of copper bronze and depicts the four figures of the children (Of Lir), and four swans: according to the legend the children were transformed into swans for 300 years. 

A plaque next to the statue carries the words:

“In the darkness of despair we saw a vi...

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Chariot of Life

Chariot of Life - Image
Oisín Kelly

Kelly's large copper-bronze sculpture depicts the figure of a charioteer said to represents reason controlling the emotions. It was unveiled in 1982, the year following the sculptor's death, on the Irish Life Centre plaza, on Dublin's Lower Abbey Street.

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Arbour Hill Memorial

Arbour Hill Memorial  - Image
Michael Biggs

The Arbour Hill Memorial comprises of three paved terraces framed by curved wall of Wicklow Ardbraccan limestone. Sculptor Michael Biggs made the work, hand carving the entire text of the 1916 Proclamation of Independence into the wall. 

OPW Ref ART 04974.

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Dennis McNulty

PRECAST was an exhibition structured as an hour-long performative event set in the environs of Robin Hood Gardens and Preston's Road roundabout, in Blackwall, East London in September and October 2012. The event drew on cinema, sculpture, music and performance, knotting material and immaterial ci...

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The Marker Tree

The Marker Tree - Image
Andreas Kopp

The Marker Tree, installed in 2011, is a highly visible landmark sculpture on the N7, Co Dublin at the Kingswood interchange, which can be viewed up close and from a distance. Its bright colours are eye-catching by day and by night it is gracefully illumina...

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Travelogue - Image
Theresa Nanigian

Travelogue was a multi-dimensional temporary public artwork which celebrated the human drama which is played out on the public transport system in Dublin every day. It also honoured the behind-the-scenes complexity and commitment required to keep people moving across the city....

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The Family Portrait

The Family Portrait - Image
Debbie Chapman

This series of paintings, entitled ‘The Family Portrait’, was made specifically for the Neo Natal area of Waterford General Hospital.

Intended as an engaging and fun departure from what would be considered traditional family portraiture, these paintings portray...

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The Prosperity Project

The Prosperity Project - Image
Jesse Jones

The OPW commissioned Jesse Jones to make work, supported by Create, under the auspices of the per cent for art scheme for the Convention Centre Dublin (CCD), North Quay, a landmark building in Dublin’s Docklands area.

Over the course of nine months in 2013, Jones initiated different projects, ...

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Nazareth Housing Association provides independent living houses for individuals and couples who are 65 and over and on the Sligo County Council housing list.  Nazareth Village is comprised of 48 houses in a garden setting.  The Village was financed as a public-private partnership between Nazareth Housing Association and Sligo County Council with funding from the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government.  

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