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- Danny McCarthy
Hello-Hello arose out of Danny McCarthy’s experience of working on the intergenerational performance project Moment, in collaboration with four other artists and the staff and residents of O’Connell Court sheltered housing unit in Cork.
In the course of his work with...- view project here
- Dominic Thorpe
Dominic Thorpe was one of a number of artists invited to meet with people who suffer from the chronic physical pain disorder called neuropathic pain, and in response create art work that visualises pain. The project investigated the potential for artwork to assist in describing and diagnosin...
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Ó Bhéal guth béal
- Ger Wolfe
The singer/ songwriter Ger Wolfe worked in Spring on the song-writing project involving older people from the Muskerry Gaeltacht who attend the day-centres Cois Coille, Cuan Barra, the Tacaois group from Ionad Cultúrtha and the Scoraíocht an Déardaoin group at the Meitheal Múscraí Ionad Áis...
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Life Blood
- Cathy Henderson
Life Blood was initiated by the artist Cathy Henderson in the context of St. James' Hospital, Dublin.
Following her own experience of long periods spent as a patient recovering from a road accident, the artist wished to produce a series of portraits representing the non-medical ...- view project here
Here we are again still
- Christian O'Reilly
In Spring 2008, Megs Morley, Public Arts Officer at Galway City Council, commissioned the artist to write a play as a Per Cent for Art project at Walter Macken Place, Mervue, Galway. Walter Macken Place is a social housing development of 96 apartments, the majority of which are occupied by elderl...
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The Lost Children
- Marie Brett
The artwork The Lost Children responds to a particular hospital's landscape with its embedded social memory and intimate recollections relating to the site's laundry.
Over time, staff, patients and visitors revealed memories of unmarried pregnant girls brought to the laundry by shamed...- view project here
The Bedmaker - Public Version
- Helene Hugel
The Bedmaker evolved through creative play with children and explores the bed as a performing landscape, using clowning, storytelling and puppetry. It was developed by Helene Hugel to inspire children to recreate their bed space through their imagination.
This is the public version of a p...
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Haiku Week
- Mark Roper
The haiku is a a very old form of poetry originating in Japan. It consists of seventeen syllables, spread over three lines. Its brevity allows the form to create something like an instant verbal image. It's a form whose use can be taught quickly, and is now very widely practiced in the West. It i...
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Personal Effects
- Jennie Moran
Personal Effects is a project which aims to uninstitutionalise the hospital through the illumination of its inhabitants' stories. This is done by slowly gathering fragments of lives from individuals passing through the institution and allowing these details and narratives to reappear on ho...
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Subaquatic Dublin
- Paul Gregg
Commissioned jointly by Our Lady's hospital for sick children and the Ark Cultural Centre for Children, Subaquatic Dublin presents an underwater version of Dublin thriving with fish citizens. The aquarium holds seven tons of water. Replicas of landmark Irish buildings along with tower cran...
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