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Artist Name(s) Raúl Martínez Vicente
Artwork title Untitled
Context/Background The Waterford Healing Arts Trust worked in partnership with the Paediatrics ward at Waterford Regional Hospital on commissioning Raul Vicente to produce an innovative, integrated artwork for the ward that met the specific needs of the Department. This commission was funded by public donations to the ward.

This commission aimed to give the ward a distinctive and cohesive visual identity and to develop it into a more welcoming and approachable space for patients aged from birth to 16 years and their parents. The commission was realised as an integrated part of the environment enhancement of the ward which was led by a multi-disciplinary team comprising representatives of Waterford Regional Hospital (WRH) staff, patients and the Waterford Healing an Arts Trust (WHAT).


The launch of the Paediatric Ward was documented by local press including Munster Express, Waterford Today and the Waterford News and Star.


Raúl Martínez Vicente was born in Madrid in 1977. Since very early in his adolescence, Martínez Vicente became interested in graphic imagery, illustration and lettering while doing graffiti in the streets of Madrid when this form of art was not widespread in Spain yet. In 1995, he studied a course in printing processes and computing that left him the impression he could use his skills as a graffiti artist for commercial purposes. He worked in the printing industry and taught for some time while learning more computer applications for publishing and web design.

In 2002, he went to Dublin and studied Visual Communications in the National College of Art and Design. While he was studying and after graduation he was commissioned to work for businesses and public institutions in Ireland such as the National Print Museum, Waterford Hospital, Youth Resource Centre Finglas and the Dublin City Business Association among others.  

His work differs in every project, creating visual concepts that are appropriate regarding space, audience and industrial technologies and working in a wide range of formats. His use of colour and illustration combine with graphics and typography to produce a vivid and friendly character, and a visual impact aiming to enhance the environments where people inhabit.

Recently, Raúl Martinez Vicente has expanded his concern with the effects design could have in urban environments, whether interior or exterior, public or private spaces, and the responsibilities of design and art professionals when creating this sort of work. He is currently a postgraduate student in NCAD researching graphic design, urban landscape and public space while working as a graphic designer.

Commission Type Other
Commissioner Name Waterford Healing Arts Trust and the Paediatrics Ward of Waterford Regional Hospital (WRH)
Commissioning process Open competition
Project commission dates March 1, 2008 - December 1, 2008
Artform Visual Arts
Art Practice Arts and health
Funded By Other
Budget Range 10000 - 30000 euro
Project commission start date 01/03/2008
Project commission end date 01/12/2008
Location Paediatric's Ward, Waterford Regional Hospital
County Waterf
Town Waterford city
Street Address Dunmore Road
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Content contributor(s) Waterford Healing Arts Trust
Relationship to project Commissioner 
Public engagement

A paediatric patient was involved in the selection of the artist.

Associated professionals / Specialists involved

Installation of the large panels required the assistance of professional installers.