This Time This Place

Artist Name(s) Jim Vaughan
Artwork title This Time This Place
Context/Background Located in Clew Bay, Clare Island has a population of 170 and its earliest inhabitants can be traced back to 5000BC. The island is steeped in history including Bronze Age Fulachta Fia and a Granuaile Castle. The ceiling of the Abbey on Clare Island is decorated with unique paintings of animals, dragons and hunters, reputed to be the finest medieval paintings in Ireland. In most recent times people of Clare Island, in addition to small-scale farming and fish-farming, have developed tourism, attracting in particular walkers and divers. There is a thriving tradition of music and dance on the island. Clare Island also has a strong tradition in beautiful craft-work: basket making, stone wall and currach-building.


This Time This Place took place throughout 2006. Photographer, Jim Vaughan was commissioned to work with the people of Clare Island on a photography project which was open to everyone on the Island. Jim’s proposal was to produce a body of work that would “challenge stereotypical ideas about life on an island”. During his time on Clare, Jim worked with various community groups, encouraging the Islanders to take their own photographs, concentrating on “familiar aspects of their day to day lives”. At the same time Jim was taking photographs focusing on the everyday details of life. The resulting work has been published in a special limited edition book of photographs and a contribution of poetry by Macdara Woods, a hard back copy given to everyone on the island and a limited edition of paper back books available from the Arts Office.

Commission Type Local Authority
Commissioner Name Mayo County Council
Commissioning process Limited Competition
Project commission dates December 20, 2005 - December 31, 2006
Public Presentation dates July 4, 2007 - January 1, 1970
Artform Visual Arts
Funded By Mayo County Council
Percent for art Yes
Budget Range 35000 - 70000 euro
Project commission start date 20/12/2005
Project commission end date 31/12/2006
Location Clare Island
County Mayo
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Content contributor(s) Gaynor Seville
Relationship to project Public Art Coordinator
Associated professionals / Specialists involved

Macdara Woods, Poet



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