Public art directory

This directory is an archive of selected public art projects which have been commissioned throughout Ireland, predominantly since the late 1990s, with the inclusion of some notable more historic 20th century works and of works made by Irish artists abroad. The directory currently contains over 250 public art projects, many of which are funded under the Per Cent for Art Scheme. Featured projects aim to highlight the interrelationship between the artist and the artwork, the context and the public, through the presentation of diverse commissioning practices.

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Nazareth Housing Association provides independent living houses for individuals and couples who are 65 and over and on the Sligo County Council housing list.  Nazareth Village is comprised of 48 houses in a garden setting.  The Village was financed as a public-private partnership between Nazareth Housing Association and Sligo County Council with funding from the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government.  

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