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Black Lough Trilogy

Black Lough Trilogy - Image
Stephen Rennicks

A project which on the surface used metaphor to bridge the gulf between imagination and reality. The location was revealed on a website of a trail of red thread markers through a forest to this elusive and forgotten lake. A limited pile of CD’s with the sound piece, New Alarm Clocks, als...

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HELEN  - Image
Desperate Optimists (Joe Lawlor and Christine Molloy)

HELEN is a story about an 18-year-old girl, Helen, as she prepares to leave the care order she has been subject to since she was an infant. Unsure as to her readiness to enter into the wider world, Helen finds herself alone and directionless.  Out of the blue, an opportunity come...

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Hold-Fast, Hang-Ten, S.L.I.G.O.

Hold-Fast, Hang-Ten, S.L.I.G.O. - Image
Stephen Hurrel

Each of the five wood and steel constructions is based on designs of nautical signal flags. Each signal flag represents a message as well as a letter of the alphabet.  The 'hidden message' in the five pieces spells out S.L.I.G.O.

Four large pieces of Kilkenny Limestone each have a...

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What Alice Found There

What Alice Found There - Image
Deirdre Morrissey

The primary focus in this project was on collaboration between different artists and on art work that encouraged active response to its surroundings and involvement with its audience.

What Alice Found There focused on work that was performative and dynamic, thus creating a diff...

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Meanwhile - Image
Yvonne Cullivan

Through open invitation and suggested lines of enquiry, willing groups and individuals were sought out and engaged in conversation. Echoing the rambling house tradition, recurring visits were paid to places of work or of gathering. These places were often on the margins: at the edge of town or th...

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Under Swim

Under Swim - Image
Laura Gannon

Underswim is a film work commissioned by Sligo Corporation. The piece is the end result of a year-long process. This involved working with members of the Sligo Living History and Heritage Group (now the Irish History Company) to develop ideas through a series of workshops exploring how wom...

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"…for peace comes dropping slow.."

"…for peace comes dropping slow.." - Image
Lisa Vandegrift Davala

The poetic line “…for peace comes dropping slow” taken from the poem, The Lake Isle of Innisfree, was inscribed in light across the Sligo landscape at stunning locations and filmed to record its inscription. Various forms of light from natural to LED torches and mobile phones were used by ...

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Value for Taxprayers Money

Value for Taxprayers Money - Image
Nevan Lahart

The artist set up studio in a vacant pub in the centre of town. The paintings took the form of street signage. The subject matter was based on the artist’s response to the previous decade of prosperity and the very recent, 2008, economic downturn and financial crisis. One of the sculpture’s w...

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Fort Camden Commissions 2011

Fort Camden Commissions 2011 - Image
Julia Pallone, Julie Merriman, Monica Boyle, Nell Regan & James L Hayes

In celebration of two non-events… - James L Hayes
Hayes’ two part installation utilises a range of found materials from the Fort Camden site. Most significantly is the use (or re use) of collected cast iron. The work in each room responds and reflects upon the previous func...

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Untitled - Image
Maeve Clancy

A double-sided multi-layered perspex wall depicting imagery of indigenous flora and fauna. The walls are precision-cut and depict the imagery, including mazes, measuring charts and visual puzzles in a vivid and child friendly way.

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Nazareth Housing Association provides independent living houses for individuals and couples who are 65 and over and on the Sligo County Council housing list.  Nazareth Village is comprised of 48 houses in a garden setting.  The Village was financed as a public-private partnership between Nazareth Housing Association and Sligo County Council with funding from the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government.  

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